critical supplies kritisch Vorräte suministros críticos fournitures essentielles_ |
dal ready-made al no-made
Sotto l’onda lunga e lunghissima del neoconformismo la macina della moda aveva dissipato la realtà trasfigurando ogni genere di cosa in un oggetto di godimento, e in giro non si vedeva più orrore o abiezione umana, né intollerabile miseria sociale capace di sottrarsi all’organizzazione spettacolare dello shock e del trauma.
![]() from ready-made to no-made Under the long, the very long wave of neo-conformism, the mode grinder had squandered reality transfiguring everything into an object of enjoyment. All around there was no more horror or human meanness (depravity), neither intolerable social misery capable of escaping the spectacular organization of shock and trauma. Time had passed since Art and Criticism joined this lucrative venture improving the plot to renovate the world in order to preserve it as it is. (On the other hand, would it be possible to preserve the ecumenical fraud that calls “dead” one thing that was never born and "alive" something that with its stench spoils one's lungs and melts the glaciers?) “Myth is the image of a sinking text”, that’s what was written on the enclosing wall of the Milk Centre of Rome. That is it! - We said to ourselves. In order to rescue the image from supplying productive apparatus of today’s ophthalmic bakery, the dry didactical comment is no longer enough; it should be trusted into a developed text of a dialog in which the legend, and the image are wrapped up. Certainly, the classical utterance remains valid, according to which a simple picture of the Krupp Industry or AEG does not say almost anything regarding the social and human relationships that regulates the “true reality” of that Industry... Nevertheless, that picture cannot avoid to take in account its own true reality, even betraying it a little, like leaving a revealing sign on the scene of the crime. In order to regain a general capacity to return, from “almost nothing”, to a text and to the context of a reality refrained by the discredit of intelligence. Is it not necessary, at least, to reposition the eye and ears in a clarifying distance... from the powerful bark of an opinion? ...We were on the verge of leaving, but the absurd vice of breading prevailed... that is to say, renegotiating the missed acts trough staging the Critical Supplies...