La Storia Della Valigia stampata nell'opuscolo giallo
Opera confidenziale in un prologo e 5 quadri Prologo
Nell’angolo buio della dimora ostile le forme del vuoto sono in rivolta: la scarpa reclama il piede, il guanto la mano, la valigia le spoglie.
Quando busserà il padrone di casa occorre tener pronta la valigia al piede. Per andare? Per restare? Magari solo per lasciarla poi sotto un ponte, gettarla nella cunetta ai bordi della via, dimenticarla dietro una panchina dei giardini pubblici. Ma oggi che anche l’innocente negligenza verso le valigie genera terrore, il circospetto Signor Tuttiquanti ha pensato bene di prender misure di sicurezza e mettersi lì a sorvegliare i paraggi. |
quadro A nero
Poiché solo dall’esterno possono pervenirci quei beni che già non possediamo, per raccogliere i doni della Sposa tre volte facemmo il giro del Boario appiccando fuochi e cocendo gli azzimi per tutti i convenuti.1 |
quadro E bianco
Quando arrivammo alla stazione terminale una opprimente fiacca mediterranea ci persuase a lasciare la luce del sole per riposarci sulle poltroncine di una sala cinematografica.
Sembrava frugarsele dall’anima quelle pezze intime che forse portava in dote. |
quadro I rosso
Il panorama dei viali alberati ci ridiede subito la calma dello sguardo. |
N.d.R. - Le note di questa colonna non sono stampate nell'opuscolo giallo. Poiché hanno esclusivamente una funzione di promemoria delle risorse reali (attuate o attuabili) per la realizzazione della messa in opera della Pantomima, sono riportate qui solo per non disperderle. Quadro A nero
Quadro I rosso
Quadro U verde
Quadro O blu
[ così finisce ciò che si legge ] |
quadro U verde
Finalmente arrivammo al Corviale: una casa di cemento lunga un chilometro, dove la porta è una membrana mai aperta e mai chiusa, la soglia un ponte verso l’asilo. |
quadro O blu
Nell’approssimarsi alla tavola imbandita le gambe ci presero a tremare; sapevamo che al faccia a faccia delle interrogazioni non potevamo rispondere, solo accennare.1 [ così finisce ciò che si legge ] |
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Confidential summary within a prologue and 5 scenes Technical office Carmelo Romeo and Luciano Trina Contributions Prologue In the dark corner of the hostile suite, the forms of emptiness are rebelling: shoes are claiming their feet, gloves their hands, suitcases their remains. When the homeowner will knock at the door it will be necessary to have, nearby the feet, the suitcase. In order to leave? In order to stay? Probably to leave it (the suitcase) under a bridge, throwing it in a ditch by a road, or forgetting it behind a park bench. Today, even the innocent negligence toward suitcases generates terror. Therefore the cautious Mister Everyone, for security measures, has decided to stay there, looking and controlling the area. scene A black Considering that we can receive goods, not ours, only from the outside world, we circled three times the cattle market starting fires and cooking pita bread for the guests , in order to gather up gifts for the bride. At the foot of Vesuvius we searched the fossilized prints of Spartacus’ slaves. In the midst of the train wagon we placed a bag loaded with pineapples. The worried passengers moved away without disturbing us (among the ripe fruits a hidden copy of Pasolini’s “Petrolio”). Along the railroad, in between the tracks or on the train wagons, in public bathrooms or behind hedges, we left our prints. Out of the train windows indefinite visions came to us to enrich the nuptial loot, while stony spectators watched the train go by. scene E white Our arrival at the terminal station, was underlined by an oppressing Mediterranean weariness that persuaded us to leave the sunlight in order to relax on a comfortable seat in a cinema theatre. The movie had already started and an enigma came through the screen... ...A young bride with a small suitcase, walks in a lymphatic and simple room like a morgue. She puts the suitcase on top of a table set under a TV camera placed on a wall. She starts to pull out of the suitcase all the stuff that is in it pretending not to see the restless eye of a cop hidden on the far out corner of the scene…. She seemed picking those intimate rags from deep inside her soul that probably she had received as a dowry. One by one she picked them as to show their chastity to an invisible video observer (an anemic pornographer with a family), so she let them fall on the ground with resignation. The bright bride was already submerged by her own rags, when we, preys to convulsion, run out of the theatre. |
scene I red
The view of the tree-lined street brought back calm in our look and we did not return there, under the fury of the up hill, to pick up a forgotten bag full of books. The following day many policemen spotted that bag in different places. This phenomena of ubiquity is rather marvelous, made it astonishing by the fact that notes from our Consulates in Grasz, Budapest and Stara Pazova, reported news of the same visions along the shore line of lake Balaton, inside airports or in crowded museums. Not given any importance to expectative, we followed the vague path of that geographic drift, discovering how inebriant could be marooning through the city corridors without understanding a word that passing people were saying. Only the vivid lips of women, dressed with silk red mantillas managed to convince us to stay with them for awhile. scene U green Finally we arrived to the Corviale: a cement structure one km long. The door is a membrane that its neither open or closed; the threshold is a bridge toward the asylum. Would it host even the unwanted? Only low fidelity has that capacity, and thanks to this a Dutchman managed to precede us after shaking off himself his own accent and throwing it to barking dogs and at anyone that would come near them. We passed over the quarreled offal and introduced ourselves into the kitchen, where young girls in their emerald colored vest were putting, fresh and leavened bread, in the oven. Covered with soot and flour we introduced ourselves into the suites. scene O blue Coming near a well-laid table our legs started to tremble; we were aware that, for the face to face question time, we could not answer but only nod. The pretenders had learned that a foreigner is nothing but a forgotten guest in a suite while comes out of the corner into the light. That is why Telemacus and his father Ulysses, without being scrutinize, received the relief of exile even before delivering the dowry necessary to pay the ransom for the bride’s silence and avoid the slaughter. |